Humorous Behavior Q-Sort Deck (HBQD)
Kenneth Craik, Martin Lampert, and Arvalea Nelson
Self/Peer-Report Scale
The HBQD involves 100 cards, each identifying a different characteristic of humorous behavior and together representing five different stylistic dimensions. Individuals sort the cards along a nine point scale from 1 (least characteristic) to 9 (most characteristic), and sortings are scored according to the five stylistic dimensions. The test includes the 100-card HBQD deck plus individual score sheets.
Number of Items
100 individual items of humor-related characteristics and behaviors
The HBQD measures five stylistic dimensions of humorous behavior: (1) Socially Warm vs. Cool, (2) Reflective vs. Boorish, (3) Competent vs. Inept, (4) Earthy vs. Restrained, and (5) Benign vs. Mean-Spirited Humor.
Self-assessment and peer observation
30-45 minutes
Online at or from Martin Lampert (
Reliability & Validity
Reliabilities of the five HBQD dimensions are indicated by measures of internal consistency ranging from .83 for Factor I (Socially Warm vs. Cool Humorous Behavior) to .67 for Factor V (Benign vs. Mean-Spirited Behavior). Information on the relationships between the HBQD scores with other personality measures of can be found in the research manual available online.
Reference Articles

Craik, K. H., Lampert, M. D., & Nelson, A. J. (1993). Research Manual for the Humorous Behavior Q-sort      Deck. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Institute of Personality and Social Research.

Craik, K. H., Lampert, M. D., & Nelson, A. J. (1996). Sense of humor and styles of everyday      humorous conduct. International Journal of Humor Research, 9, 273-302.

Online Materials
    HBQD Manual                Card Deck                    Factor Score Sheet                   Profile Sheet
Click here to try the HBQD Online to see your own HBQD profile. Profiles are not recorded.