The Humor Cognition Test (HCT)

Alan Feingold and Ronald Mazzella


Joke/Cartoon Test (Appreciation)


The HCT consists of two 16 item joke completion subtests: The Joke Knowledge Test and the Joke Reasoning Test. The Joke Knowledge Test requires respondent to complete blanks in well-known jokes (i.e., Take my wife _______! ). The Joke Reasoning Test contains similar items, but requires respondents to reason the answer (i.e., Are you familiar with the David and Goliath cocktail. Two drinks and you are _______.). The Humor Cognition score is the number correct from the entire 32 item test. A short version with only 10 items on each subscale also exists.

Number of Items

32 items


Provides a single humor cognition score with subscores for knowledge and reasoning.




Assessment of humor knowledge and reasoning skills as part of multidimensional model of humor creativity involving motivation, cognition, and communication.


15 minutes


From the Author: Alan Feingold, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University, 29 Sylvan Avenue, New Haven, CT 06519.


The HCT has been found to have good internal consistency (.85). It has also been found to correlate with tests of cognitive ability (.45) to .69) and a measure of humor productivity (.38).

Reference Article

Feingold, A., & Mazzella, R. (1993). Piellmlnary Validation of a Multidimensional Model of      Wittiness. Journal of Personality, 61 , 439-456.

Feingold, A., & Mazzella, R. (1991). Psychometric intelligence and verbal humor ability.      Personality and Individual Differences, 12, 427-435

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