Sense of Humor Scale (SHS/McGhee) |
Author |
Paul E. McGhee |
Category |
Self- and Peer-report scale |
Description |
The SHS consists of 40 items, divided across eight areas of humor-related behaviors: (1) Enjoyment of Humor, (2) Seriousness/Negative Mood, (3) Playfulness/Positive Mood, (4) Laughter, (5) Verbal Humor, (6) Finding Humor in Everyday Life, (7) Laughing at Yourself, and (8) Humor under Stress. Respondents rate each item on a four point Likert scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 4 (Strongly Agree). The ratings for each area are added together to form subscores. The subscores for Laughing at Yourself and for Humor under Stress are weighted by factors of 1.5 and 2.0, respectively. A final Humor Quotient, which can range from 22 to 165, is computed by summing the subscores for all eight areas. |
of Items |
40 items (5 on each of 8 subscales) |
Measures |
SHS measures eight areas of humor-related behaviors (see above) and provides
an overall Humor Quotient. |
Population |
Adults |
Applications |
SHS is employed primarily with McGhee's eight-step humor development training
program. Individuals complete the SHS at the beginning and at the end
of the program to assess changes in their everyday uses of humor. |
Time |
10-15 minutes |
Availability |
Available online from the author at |
Reference |
P. E. (1996). Humor, healing, and the amuse system: Humor as survival
training. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt
Publishing. |
Materials |