1999 International Humor Conference/Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies
The 1999 International Humor Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies took place from June 29 to July 3, 1999 at Holy Names College located in the Oakland Hills overlooking the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area. For the 1999 conference, we had over 150 presentations organized into the following five thematic areas:
Cognition and Creativity Public and Private Discourse
Individuality and Individual Styles
Culture and Gender Health and Well-Being
The conference began on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 29 with the first of five general sessions on humor research followed by a roundtable discussion with professional performers and writers organized by the Tony Award Winning Berkeley Repertory Theatre. For participants who arrive early on June 29, we also had three pre-conference workshops on humor and healing. From Wednesday, June 30 through July 3, each day began with a general session, focused on humor research in one of the five thematic areas, followed by breakout sessions for research-related symposia, papers, and workshops. On the first and third evenings of the conference, we also had showcases for talented comedic performers.
Below is a list of the general session presentations followed by the Conference symposia, workshops, and breakout sessions. To see a complete Conference schedule (with the titles of papers in breakout sessions), please refer to the Conference Program section of this Web page. To see pictures of the performances, please refer to Evening Performances.
For news coverage of the Conference, check out the National Public Radio Broadcast of
All Things Considered, July 2, 1999. [Note: To listen to the four minute broadcast you will need to scroll down to Humor Conference on the ATL webpage and have a RealAudio player.]
General Session Presentations
On Cognition and Creativity
June 29, 2:15 pm to 3:45 pmHumor, Mood, and Creativity: An Experimental Analog
Peter Derks, Psychology Department, College of William and MaryComputational Humor
Kim Binsted, Sony Computer Science Lab, JapanOn Public Discourse & Popular Culture
June 30, 9:00 am to 10:35 amJokes about the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales
Christie Davies, Sociology Department, University of ReadingTwo Jews, Three Opinions
Alan Dundes, Anthropology Department, University of California at BerkeleyOn Individuality and Individual Styles
July 1, 9:00 am to 10:35 amHumorous Conduct: Two Personality Perspectives
Kenneth H. Craik, Psychology Department, University of California at Berkeley"Tragedie, Comedie, Historie, Pastorall:
Pastoricall Comicall Tragicall Comicall...":
What Makes the Difference in Styles of Humour?
Jessica Milner Davis, Theatre Department, University of New South WalesOn Culture and Gender
July 2, 9:00 am to 10:35 amPlease Forward This: Cultural Markers in an E-mail Legendz
Patricia A. Turner, University of California at DavisWhen Were Bad, Were Better: How and Why American
Humor Bends, Breaks, and Waves the Rules
Regina Barreca, University of ConnecticutOn Health and Well-Being
July 3, 9:00 am to 10:35 amA Time to Laugh: Healthy and Unhealthy Forms of Humor
Rod A. Martin, Psychology Department, University of Western OntarioSense of Humor in Coping with Pain and Chronic Disease
Sven Svebak, Division of Behavioral Medicine, University of TrondheimOn the Art of Creating Comedy
(Berkeley Repertory Theatre Roundtable)
June 29, 4:15 pm to 5:45 pmOrganizer
Cliff Mayotte, Education Director, Berkeley Repertory TheatreChair
Joel Schecter, Theater Department, San Francisco State UniversityPanelists
Sara Felder, Writer/Performer, Shtick!
Geoff Hoyle, Writer/Performer, The First Hundred Years
Charlie Varon, Writer/Performer, Rush Lindbaugh in Night School
Byron Yee, Writer/Performer, Paper Son
Cognitive Science and Humor Research
Chair: Victor Raskin, English Department, Purdue UniversityThe Clinton ScandalsHumor Feast or Famine?
Chair: Paul Lewis, English Department, Boston CollegeThe Sense of Humor: Further Explorations of a Personality Characteristic
Chair: Willibald Ruch, Psychology Department, University of DuesseldorfCreating Solidarity and Distance in Everyday Discourse
Co-Chairs: Susan Ervin-Tripp, Psychology Department, University of California at Berkeley
Martin D. Lampert, Psychology Department, Holy Names CollegeThe Connections Between Laughter and Health
Chair: Sven Svebak, Division of Behavioral Medicine, University of TrondheimCross (Dressing) the BoundariesGender and American Humor
Chair: Linda Morris, English Department, University of California at Davis
On Humor in Public Speaking and Performance
How Not to Give a Talk: The Perils of
Humorous and Humorless Presentations
Presenter: Joyce Saltman, School of Education, So.
Connecticut State University
Playing from the Platform
Matt Weinstein, Playfair
Not Just Classroom Cut-upsHumor
and Drama in the Classroom
Manuel Benson, Arizona State University
Fun 101
Doni Tamblyn, Humorworks
On Writing Humor and Comedy
Writing Humor: Theory, Practice, and Other Pratfalls
Mary Ann Rishel, Ithaca CollegeThe Art of Comedy Writing: 45 Ways to Make Em Laugh
Presenter: Arthur Asa Berger,
Department of Broadcast & Electronic Communication Arts, San Francisco State UniversityA Stand-up Comedy Teacher's Techniques for Writing Jokes
Greg Dean, Greg Dean's Stand-Up Comedy WorkshopsOn Humor, Health, and Well-Being
Unraveling the Therapeutic Experience of Humor
Steven M. Sultanoff, President, American Association of Therapeutic HumorHumor Works: The Values of Humor in the Workplace
Presenter: John Morreall, Religious Studies Department, University of South FloridaWhere East Meets WestLaughter Therapy
Madan Kataria, Laughter Clubs International,
Steve Wilson, Steve Wilson & Company, and Karen Buxman, HUMORxOn New Developments in the Field of Humor Studies
Presenting the Art Gliner Center for Humor Studies
Lawrence Mintz and Art Gliner, University of Maryland
Pre-Conference Workshops on Humor and Healing
(Before the Conference on Tuesday, June 29, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm)Jest for HealthTherapeutic Humor Techniques for Patients and Caregivers
Presenter: Patty Wooten, Director, Jest for the Health of it,
and past President of the American Association for Therapeutic HumorCourage to LaughHumor, Hope, & Healing in the Face of Death & Dying
Presenter: Allen Klein, Author of five books on humor,
including The Healing Power of Humor and The Courage to LaughHospital ClowningThe Gentle Art of the Caring Clown
Presenter: Shobhana Schwebke, Publisher & Editor of the Hospital Clown Newletter
June 29, 1999
General Sessions Only, June 29, 1999
June 30, 1999
Thematic Area 11:00 am 12:30 pm
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Cognition & Creativity Cognitive Science and Humor Research Conceptualizing Humor: Theory & Research Conceptualizing Humor: Creativity & Aesthetics Public/Private Discourse Popular Culture Revealed through Humor Television Comedy Past and Present The Clinton Scandals: Humor Feast or Famine Individual Styles Explorations in Literary Styles Comic Figures and Archetypes Interpreting Literary Works with the GTVH Culture & Gender Cultural and Social Perceptions Cross-Cultural Expressions of Humor Workshops How Not to Give a Talk Playing from the Platform Not Just Classroom Cut-Ups July 1, 1999
Thematic Area 11:00 am 12:30 pm
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Cognition & Creativity Humor and Critical Thinking Conceptual Transformations and Humor Creation The Pragmatics of Joking Public/Private Discourse Uncovering Satire and Parody Risky Humor in Politics, Law, and Journalism Humorous Treatments of Doctors and Lawyers Individual Styles Sense of Humor: Further Explorations Sense of Humor: Personality & Health Sense of Humor: Personality & Thinking Culture & Gender Humor and Political Correctness Teaching in the Multicultural Classroom Workshops Therapeutic Experience of Humor Values of Humor in the Workplace Laughter Therapy July 2, 1999
Thematic Area 11:00 am 12:30 pm
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Cognition & Creativity Creative Play with Language Creative Applications of Humor Variations of Humor in Modern Fiction Public/Private Discourse Exploring Aspects of Conversational Humor Solidarity and Distance in Everyday Discourse 1 Solidarity and Distance in Everyday Discourse 2 Health & Well-Being Benefits and Pitfalls of Humor Workshops Surviving with Humor: Populations at Risk Humor among Caring Professionals Culture & Gender The Humor of Japanese Culture and Society The Humor of Spanish-Speaking Writers National and Ethnic Humor Workshops Writing Humor: Theory and Practice The Art of Comedy Writing Techniques for Writing Jokes July 3, 1999
Thematic Area 11:00 am 12:30 pm
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
Cognition & Creativity Comics and Clowns Revealed The Art of Social and Political Cartoons Public & Private Discourse Putting Humor to Work in the Workplace Humorous Postings at Work Health & Well-Being The Connections between Laughter and Physiology Connections between Laughter and Health Culture & Gender Cross (Dressing) the BoundariesGender and American Humor Women and Comedy Workshops
& Business MeetingFun 101 Presenting the Art Gliner Center for Humor Studies ISHS Business Meeting & Closing Reception
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