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PhD positions in Computat...
Forum: SIG: Humor and AI
Last Post: Tristan Miller
11-07-2024, 02:38 AM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 556
CFP - Panel: "Humor as an...
Forum: SIG: Multimodal and Interactional Humor
Last Post: Elisa Gironzetti
09-19-2024, 05:58 PM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 259
CfP: 1st Workshop on Comp...
Forum: SIG: Humor and AI
Last Post: Tristan Miller
07-27-2024, 08:25 PM
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» Views: 482
online symposium, April 4...
Forum: ISHS Special Events
Last Post: Liisi Laineste
03-30-2024, 03:44 PM
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CfP: Humor and Artificial...
Forum: SIG: Humor and AI
Last Post: Tristan Miller
03-13-2024, 01:12 AM
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» Views: 1,227
Introduce Yourself to SIG...
Forum: SIG: Performing Humor
Last Post: Craig Draheim
12-20-2023, 03:40 AM
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Forum: SIG: Humor, Free Speech, and the Law
Last Post: Alberto Godioli
12-19-2023, 06:25 PM
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» Views: 1,178
Join the Online Humour gr...
Forum: SIG: Onlne Humor
Last Post: Liisi Laineste
12-18-2023, 03:18 PM
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Forum: Humor and Translation
Last Post: Chiara Bucaria
12-05-2023, 10:31 AM
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Forum: SIG: Humor and Religion
Last Post: Lina Liederman
11-29-2023, 07:14 PM
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PhD positions in Computational Humour, University of Manitoba |
Posted by: Tristan Miller - 11-07-2024, 02:38 AM - Forum: SIG: Humor and AI
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The Computational Linguistics at Manitoba (CLAM) Lab at the University of Manitoba is offering funded PhD positions starting in 2025 for the following research topics:
- Computational humour, with a focus on validation of linguistic theories of humour, translation of humour, and/or classification of aggressive humour.
- Historical born-digital corpora, with a focus on constructing and analyzing structured, annotated text corpora from Usenet or other pre-Web archives.
- Indigenous language technology, with a focus on developing digital resources for text processing, writing, typesetting, and/or language revitalization.
We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a strong interest in linguistically informed approaches to these topics.
Successful candidates will pursue a doctoral degree in the Computer Science or Individual Interdisciplinary Studies program while working as a graduate research assistant. In these roles, and supported by their supervisor(s), they will design and carry out scientific experiments, construct and analyze text corpora or other data sets, develop and publish research software, collaborate with local and international researchers, and write papers for high-quality journals and conferences.
The prospective starting date is September 2025.
Highly desirable:- Past research publications in computer science or linguistics
- Knowledge of any of the following:
- theories of verbal humour or verbal aggression
- text corpora
- history of computing (pre-WWW)
- language tools and resources (dictionaries, wordnets, parsers, etc.)
- an indigenous language (particularly one of the Anishinaabeg, Ininiwak, Anisininewuk, Dakota Oyate, Dene, or Métis people)
The University of Manitoba is consistently ranked among the top research-intensive universities in Canada. Its strong and rapidly growing Department of Computer Science advances research at the frontiers of artificial intelligence, human–computer interaction, autonomous agents, and other areas, with a track record of interdisciplinary and industry collaboration.
Winnipeg, the sixth-largest city in Canada, and one of the most livable, boasts a vibrant, multicultural community and ample opportunities for sport, leisure, and entertainment. It is home to internationally renowned festivals, galleries, and museums; the historic Exchange District and The Forks; and ever-expanding research, education, and business sectors. From the Hudson Bay waters, across the farmland fields, to the pulse of the cities and towns, the province of Manitoba has 100,000 lakes, 92 provincial parks, winding river valleys, and storied prairie skies.
Send the following to Dr. Tristan Miller at Tristan.Miller@umanitoba.ca:
- Your curriculum vitae
- Copies of your degree certificates and transcripts
- A copy of your Master's thesis and any academic publications
- A cover e-mail that summarizes your interest in and aptitude for one of the three research topics above, with specific reference to your background and to any relevant projects or publications you were involved in.
Applications will be accepted until December 1, 2024 or until the positions are filled.
Applications are particularly encouraged from those who are women, non-binary, indigenous, or members of other underrepresented groups.
Only those candidates who are shortlisted for an interview will be contacted.
CFP - Panel: "Humor as an Emergent Property of the Interactional Context" at IPrA |
Posted by: Elisa Gironzetti - 09-19-2024, 05:58 PM - Forum: SIG: Multimodal and Interactional Humor
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19th International Pragmatics Conference - Panel: "Humor as an Emergent Property of the Interactional Context"
Call for Papers:
There is growing consensus that interactional humor is dynamic, cooperative, and co-constructed. Its study has been primarily approached from a linguocentric perspective, starting with an account of the verbal (e.g., the humorous utterance) and then further opening the analysis to a variety of other nonverbal elements, such as the social and physical context of the interaction, interlocutors’ facial expressions, or visual elements surrounding the humorous text. This perspective is in line with recent works that argue for a multimodal language faculty in which verbal and nonverbal resources are part of the same system (e.g., Cohn & Schilperoord, 2024; Hagoort & Özyürek, 2024; Willems, Özyürek, & Hagoort, 2007).
However, in the same way as nonverbal elements have been considered extralinguistic, context has been perceived as external as well, as if it were a mere backdrop for interactional humor. The study of context has been described metaphorically as the study of peripheral vision (Schegloff 1992, p. 223). It is impossible to “look at” peripheral vision because when one tries to focus it one merely changes one’s focus. Here we propose to turn the metaphor inside out, so to speak, and consider humor in interaction as a complex system, occurring in a situated context, and as an emergent property of said context, in which the interactants soft assemble (Thelen et al., 1984; Larsen-Freeman, 2012) the stimuli (verbal and nonverbal) and their reactions to them. This approach is an integral part of the move away from linguocentric accounts of humor (Gironzetti, 2022) and toward multimodal accounts of it in terms of “complex multimodal gestalts” (Mondada, 2014, p. 139).
As part of this panel, we seek original research papers presenting results of empirical studies (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) and/or engaging in theoretical discussions about any of the following:
1) The characteristics and role of contextualization cues to the play frame of humor (key in Goffman’s terms, 1974, 1981a/b) and/or to the humorous nature of the interaction, particularly focused on the interaction of these clues (e.g., smiling and hand gestures).
2) “Difficult” cases in which the interactants do not readily agree to the play frame/key or disagree to its appropriateness, including cases in which they reject it entirely (Priego-Valverde, 2020; Bell, 2015).
3) Cases in which the humor key emerges from the interplay of contextual elements and their interpretation by the interactants, especially if they include recontextualizations within joint fictionalization (Kotthoff, 1999).
4) Types and functions of markers/contextualization cues beyond laughter, smiling, pauses, and others already discussed in Pickering et al. (2009) and Attardo (2020).
5) Embodied theories of cognition applied to the study of humor in signed languages and/or visual communication.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
CfP: 1st Workshop on Computational Humor (CHum @ COLING 2025) |
Posted by: Tristan Miller - 07-27-2024, 08:25 PM - Forum: SIG: Humor and AI
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The 1st Workshop on Computational Humor (CHum 2025) will take place virtually on January 19 or 20, 2025 (exact date TBD) as part of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2025).
Scope and topics
CHum 2025 aims to foster further work on modeling the processes of humor with current methods in computational linguistics and natural language processing, against the theoretical backdrop of humor research and with reference to relevant corpora of textual, visual, and multimodal materials. A principal goal of the workshop is to unite researchers who can together probe the limits of various meaning representations -- symbolic, neural, and hybrid -- for humor processing.
We welcome contributions on any topic relevant to the computational processing of humor, including but not limited to the following:
- LLMs, knowledge representation
- Resources and evaluation
- Human-computer interaction
- Computer-mediated communication
- Assisted content creation
- Machine and computer-assisted translation
- Digital humanities applications
- Formal modeling of humor
- Proof-of-concept humor detection and classification
Particularly encouraged are submissions describing inter- or multi-disciplinary work, whether completed or in progress, and position papers that critically discuss the past, present, and future of computational humor systems.
Submission instructions
Long and short papers should be formatted according to the same guidelines for the main COLING 2025 conference papers and submitted through START: https://softconf.com/coling2025/CompHum25/
Important dates
All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12:00 ("anywhere on Earth").
- Initial submission: November 15, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: December 2, 2024
- Camera-ready submission: December 13, 2024
- Workshop: January 19 or 20, 2025
- Christian F. Hempelmann, Texas A&M University-Commerce
- Julia Rayz, Purdue University
- Tiansi Dong, Fraunhofer IAIS
- Tristan Miller, University of Manitoba
Further information
online symposium, April 4-5: Humour in the public sphere |
Posted by: Liisi Laineste - 03-30-2024, 03:44 PM - Forum: ISHS Special Events
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Dear ISHS members,
I'm sharing the news of an exciting humour research event that will take place next week:
The Center for Sociological Research (CeSO) at KU Leuven is organizing a symposium on humor and conflict in the public sphere on April 4-5, 2024, coordinated by Giselinde Kuipers and Jonas Nicolai. A number of panel talks, exhibitions and documentary screenings will facilitate dialogue between academics, comedic professionals and broader audiences, and present the results of two humour projects, HuSca and CELSA. Two of the talks /roundtables will be broadcast live for ISHS members. Follow the links below and join us in Leuven:
April 4, Thursday, at 15:45 CET: A panel on cartoons and the depiction of social conflict https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Mjg5MjMwODItNmVjMy00NTg2LWE3MzEtZjIwMDFhODc0OTQy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d9af6da7-cf29-48fe-8dae-df3784f4bde2%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2233e556e5-e61b-45a5-9691-fe415fa2ff81%22%7d
April 5, Friday, at 14:00 CET: A keynote by Alberto Godioli on Humour and free speech:
Best wishes and hope to see you there
CfP: Humor and Artificial Intelligence at ISHS 2024 |
Posted by: Tristan Miller - 03-13-2024, 01:12 AM - Forum: SIG: Humor and AI
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Humor and Artificial Intelligence Track
34th International Society for Humor Studies Conference (ISHS 2024) and 14th Humor Research Conference (HRC)
Hosted online by Texas A&M University-Commerce, April 19 to 21, 2024
Call for papers
As in previous years, the Humor and AI Special Interest Group of the International Society for Humor Studies will hold a panel at the 34th International Society for Humor Studies Conference (ISHS 2024). This year's conference is being held concurrently with the 14th Humor Research Conference (HRC), hosted online by Texas A&M University-Commerce from April 19 to 21, 2024.
We invite 20-minute presentations on AI-based technology for generating, processing, or analyzing humor, for our dedicated panel that kicks off ISHS's 2024 webinar series.
Application areas include, but are not limited to:
- human–computer interaction
- computer-mediated communication
- intelligent writing assistants
- conversational agents
- machine and computer-assisted translation
- digital humanities
- natural language processing
- computer vision
Abstracts of 250 words, excluding references, should be submitted by e-mail to the conveners by March 25, 2024.
Kiki Hempelmann, Texas A&M University-Commerce <kiki@tamuc.edu>
Tristan Miller, University of Manitoba <Tristan.Miller@umanitoba.ca>
Julia M. Rayz, Purdue University <jtaylor1@purdue.edu>
Introduce Yourself to SIG: Performing Humour |
Posted by: Alexander Sparrow - 12-19-2023, 09:51 AM - Forum: SIG: Performing Humor
- Replies (1)
Hi everyone,
Welcome again to the SIG: Performing forum! This thread is for introducing yourself to the group. A loosely followed format will help make all the information easy to find, so let's start with the format below. My introduction will follow this post.
Area/s of interest:
Writer/performer of comedy (Yes/No, and which type):
Introductory paragraph:
Name: Alexander Sparrow
Field: Philosophy
Area/s of interest: Aesthetics and ethics of stand-up comedy
Writer/performer of comedy (Yes/No, and which type): Yes, writer and performer
Introductory paragraph:
I'm interested in using humour studies to improve stand-up comedy (both for myself and other comedians). My aesthetic interest is working out how jokes can be made maximally effective, i.e. laugh-producing. My ethical interests lie in defending comedy against claims that it should be limited in terms of subject matter, joke targets, or comedic sub-genre. At this stage, I defend the benign violation theory in a limited way: arguing that it can be shown to improve jokes strictly within the field of stand-up comedy. (The original argument that it encompasses and explains all instances of humour is not relevant to my work, which is limited to the study and performance of stand-up comedy.)
Welcome! |
Posted by: Chiara Bucaria - 12-05-2023, 10:31 AM - Forum: Humor and Translation
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Hey everyone!
A big virtual welcome to the SIG in Humor and Translation. We’re very interested in all aspects of translated humor and cross-cultural humorous communication. We look forward to welcoming your thoughts and ideas, upcoming events and publications (new and old) on the subject and to stimulating conversations.
Let’s keep it fun!
Chiara and Anthony