ISHS Members and other scholars have several books in print, including volumes in the Humor Research Series, published by Mouton DeGruyter. Follow this link to current books on humor research and ordering information.
ISHS Members and other scholars have several books in print, including volumes in the Humor Research Series, published by Mouton DeGruyter. Follow this link to current books on humor research and ordering information.
ISHS Historian Don Nilsen of Arizona State University and others have compiled and provided bibliographies of humor research for Society members. These bibliographies, divided by topic, are provided here in Microsoft Word format.
Over the past century, social and behavioral scientists have constructed measures to assess humor appreciation and humor-related behavior. Enter here for the ISHS test catalog. For each test, you will find information on authorship and test design along with references to key articles involving the measure. For several tests, you will find online links to the actual research tool, and in some cases, manual pages that can be downloaded. ISHS does not endorse any particular test, and investigators should determine whether a test is appropriate for their own scholarly research.
A number of our members have developed course materials, which they have graciously shared with ISHS for the benefit of fellow instructors interested in creating or improving a humor studies class. Find here listings of present and past humor studies courses, each with syllabi, handouts, powerpoint slides, links to teaching websites, and/or other helpful teaching materials.
The International Society for Humor Studies is one of a number of scholarly and professional groups with an interest in the study and application of humor. This page provides links to other humor research and professional organizations.
ISHS members, after authentication, can exchange news and ideas with each other in the ISHS Forum. The forum includes a general discussion thread for the posting of humor studies news as well as threads for different Special Interest groups. The forum allows for members to also send e-mail notifications about upcoming events.